Wise Practices: Library Director Evaluation and Compensation

The Wise Practices series is an initiative of the BC Library Trustees Association and the Association of the BC Public Library Directors (ABCPLD)

This resource assumes that your library has the wise practice of the board chair and the library director sharing the responsibility and leadership for library director evaluation and compensation. Together, you strive to create a process and experience that includes, but is not limited to, what has been provided in this resource. This is not a prescriptive document telling you what you “must” do. Instead, please consider this as a starting point for conversations with your director or board chair.

Wise Practices: Library Director Evaluation & Compensation (January 2021)

Additional Resources

How Managers can Break the Bias in Performance Reviews

  • Katrina Jones, via LinkedIn, March 8, 2022

Elements to Include in a Chief Executive Employment Contract

  • BoardSource, February 17, 2017
  • Written for US not-for-profits. BCLTA tip: consult with a lawyer to ensure that any contract is aligned with Canadian law.